Wednesday, July 16, 2014

546 days of sewing a "500 Days of Summer" denim skirt

How often have you fallen in love with a piece of clothing only to realise it was too late for you to have it? As someone who loves vintage clothes, ALL the time.

There are a few dresses in the movie, 500 Days of Summer I fell in love with including the baby blue dress worn by Zooey to the wedding.

But for my attempt to replicate something I thought i'd aim a little lower and make a denim skirt similar to the Built by Wendy skirt worn in the movie.

Day 7: After ruining my eyes searching for a pattern for the skirt I finally find one at a vintage pattern store on Esty.

Day 20: The pattern arrives in the post.

Day 20-25: I read instructions on pattern envelope including the amount of fabric required. It reads like an IQ puzzle. I think I have it figured out.

Day 26: I purchase soft denim fabric (thick fabric is just too difficult to sew and could break the needle of my little sewing machine). I check with the shopkeeper that my reading of the fabric requirements chart is correct but she just looks me up and down and says thats enough.

Day 27-50: Decipher pattern instructions. No definitely, not plain English but what the hey, you just gotta jump in and try to learn. 

Step 51: I cut out the pieces from the pattern relating to the skirt I cut inside of the size 8 line having determined (see photo below) that the size 8 would be too large (vintage sizes tend to run huge).

As there are various styles with each pattern not piece is needed. Also pros like my mum don't cut the patterns themselves but chalk an outline. I decide to cut cause 1) its easier and 2) there is no point saving the pattern to use again if I can't finish this skirt the first time around.

length options

Day 52 - 257: pattern sits patiently as I enjoy the spring and ready made fashion.

Day 258: Pin pattern on fabric making sure the skirt is laid diagonally to the weave for a better drape. 

Day 260: Cut fabric

my cut pieces with pattern still pinned on

Day 280: Purchase iron-on stiff backing for waist band and false pocket flaps. Learn its called interfacing!

Day 285: Iron stiff backing on the pocket flaps and waist band. Trim interfacing.

Day 300: I overlock every pieces on mum's overlocker.

Day 350: Pin and sew skirt pieces together.

I try the unhemed skirt on and its still too big. I undo my work.

Day 353: I re-sew the skirt. This time it fits. I will never sew without measuring it against another skirt that fits me again.

Day 386: I sew the waist band after measuring it against my waist and cutting it to my waist plus a little extra for overlapping the button.

Day 391: I measure the waist band against the skirt. I sew the waist band to the skirt.

Day 402: Purchase zipper and button.

Day 403: Sew Zipper. Try to work out how to create a button hole. I need to download a program?

Day 515: Measure and cut button hole. Hand stitch the edges of the button hole. Its too big. I  stitch it smaller.

Day 538: Sew the pocket flaps. Attach the pocket flaps with pins. Deermine that they don't sit right. Scrap the flaps.

Day 546: Measure length and take up skirt.


Anyone can sew. Just take your time (preferably not 18 months but hey, slow and steady wins the race) and take manageable mini steps.

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